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books about Islamic Religion
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Jan 1, 2009

Become acquainted with Islam . pdf

Become acquainted with Islam . Word

Islam is Your Birthright . pdf

Interrogating Islam . Word

Questions and Answers on islamic doctirne . Word

islam-guide . pdf

The Hijab .. Why . pdf

The Hijab .. Why . Word


Fuck you,no one needs your opinion shit brain
Where Western democracy, why do not you hear the other argument ,
let people think for themselves
Fuck you PhXAnarchy,no one needs your opinion shit brain
Small Change you spleeny
thanks danish27
I will send more of these books soon
small change - keep up the good work. you are saying many things that we all need to hear.

question: in islam is it OK to brand someone's eyes with hot irons?
The christians and jewish terrorist countries do not see what is islam. their end is near. muslims should keep jihad.
thank you for spreading faith
Christians, Muslims, Jews, and all religious people. Not to deny you your desires to be alike all the others you know, but what would happen were you to develop the courage to stand on your own and stop believing and begin looking for reality? Certainly believing is popular, and many decide to be followers, then to forever after spout the common beliefs of your crowd.

But, do any of you have the intelligence and the personal courage, self-confidence, and the ability it takes to question such things and look for the actual reality?

I see many who spout the lines they learned, but very few who have actually made an attempt to look with skepticism at what they are expect to believe in an attempt to see if it actually contains reality or if their "faith" is just one more myth everyone expect you to believe.

Many realize that these religious myths have no f actuality but they lack the personal courage it takes to stand up and say to the world that you have found them just to be worthless and stupid myths.

Until you develop the courage, knowledge, and personal confidence to stand for what is factual and admit that religion is childish folly, you are only one more person with nothing in you.

An empty follower, without the strength of a butterfly, willing to kill, but not willing to accept truth.

Just an hollow person making the expected noise with your face.

It took a lot of courage and a lot of study for me to learn the truth, and it took even more courage for me to say what I found to everyone who could empty their head long enough to seek reality. But it tales the most courage to hold out my hand to everyone who will take it in peace and hold out their hand to others in the same way--without a demand for them to follow any god, for no real gods exist!